Energy Healing
Energy Alive
Quantum Touch
Reiki and others
Healing Retreats
Oahu Island
Hawaii (Big) Island
Stress Management
Classes and Events
Healing Gifts
About Us
Contact Us
Henri Rand Furgiuele, M.A.



These sites will connect you to other avenues of healing, organizations that I have either worked with or found helpful in my own healing journey. I invite you to explore, but always remember that you are the best judge of what is right for you.

Energy ALIVE   (This is the official homepage for the modality.)

Quantum Touch® (This is the official homepage for the organization.)

Solay Wellness, Inc. (They offer natural salt lamps and a host of other salt-related healing tools.)

Flower Essence Services (They offer plant-based vibrational essences from North America and Europe.)

Bert Hellinger - Family Constellation Systems

Voice Inc. (Synchronicity Japan, and its parent company Voice Inc. are the organizations that bring me to Japan twice a year.)

Abraham-Hicks (In 1998 Richard Gordon, the founder of Quantum-Touch, told me about a group consciousness called Abraham (as channeled by Esther Hicks). I resisted listening to their recordings, but once I did, I found them to be wonderfully benevolent, full of humor and truth. Since that time, I've attended a number of their live workshops and read their book, Ask and It Is Given.)


Post Office Box 858, Honolulu, Hawaii 96808
© 2006 H. R. Furgiuele

The material on this website is intended to be informational only and not a substitute for the services of health care professionals. Any application of the methods and modalities described herein is at the reader's discretion, and his/her sole responsibility.
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs copyright H. R. Furgiuele.